Friday, April 8, 2016

Heavy Metal Parking Lot

Heavy Metal Parking Lot

In 1986 two aspiring filmmakers who worked at a local cable channel in Maryland took their equipment out and filmed people partying in a parking lot before a Judas Priest concert. They edited the video down to a 16 minute 'documentary' and passed out VHS copies trying to get some interest. Soon people started making their own copies and passing them along to friends and within a few years it had become a pre-internet viral video. At some point Kurt Cobain got a copy and started playing it on the Nirvana bus to get everyone pumped up before a show. Since then it has become an internet cult video with its own website. Where else can you find original footage of 80s homo metallicusroaming free and paaarr-tying it up! in their native habitat?

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