The first gender-neutral bathroom in the Los Angels Unified School District was officially opened in the middle of April. Students at Santee Education Complex had been advocating for a gender-neutral bathroom since January. They succeeded in persuading school authorities with a petition that boasts over 700 signatures. Although some protesters emerged and did a demonstration with a sign that says "Homo Sex Is Sin", students at Santee fought for the change and no protesters turned up on the next day.
Meanwhile in North Carolina, where the government passed the bathroom bill* on March, a team that criticizes the controversial legislation has been developing. The team is called "LawBreakers" and CEO Cliff Bleszinski mentioned North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory in his tweet, "It takes place in the future, unlike the past you envision."
In my view, the bathroom war is consisted of three parties, eager LGBT activists, radical Christians and people who are afraid of the increase of sexual assaults. However, I agree with Santee school official on the opinion that says "bullying and harassment can occur in any bathrooms." If LGBT activists could persuade those people who are afraid of the negative result, with evidence that proves there is no correlation between gender-segregation and numbers of sexual assaults, gender-neutral bathroom will widely be accepted in the future.
(*bathroom bill: North Carolina House Bill 2, which forces people to use bathrooms and locker rooms based on the gender listed on their birth certificate.)
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